person unlocking laptop with phone

Workplace ‘Wins’ With Apple Wallet Access

It’s incredibly satisfying to simply flash an iPhone or Apple Watch around town as we pay for things and access places. Having everything electronically stored nearby in digital wallets makes daily encounters much more enjoyable.

Thankfully these digital ‘wins’ are expanding into other areas of life as the future continues to embrace Apple Wallets. More information is already being optimized for these uses to become more prevalent as security and privacy measures are continually fortified to protect our digital details and devices.

As Easy As a Hello!

These conveniences are especially taking hold in the workplace as Employee Badge in Apple Wallet gains traction across corporations. Best-in-class RFID authentication solutions balance reliability and ease-of-use with security and privacy. From dawn to dusk, and all hours in between, people are seamlessly and securely granted access as they move throughout workspaces and other places — with a slight tap paving their productivity.

From building access to elevators.

From desktops to secure printing.

From vending machines to time and attendance — and so much more.

Employee Badge in Apple Wallet delivers ‘wins’ to the workplace as employees authenticate easily while information remains private and protected due to the built-in security features of iPhone and Apple Watch. Verified access is literally as easy as a ‘hello’, without even having to unlock the device or open an app. Winning!

Plus, bringing this functionality to employees is a breeze. Individuals can self-provision, taking the burden off IT by adding their Employee Badge to digital wallets in just a few simple steps:

Log into their company’s mobile app.

  1. Use a single sign-on.
  2. Follow up with a Face ID, Touch ID, or one-time passcode.
  3. And voila — select “Add to Apple Wallet.”

Hello easy access!

Get a glimpse into how you can bring these ‘wins’ to your workplace by enabling Employee Badge in Apple Wallet. Check out our newest video highlighting another way HID Global intuitively enables secure, convenient workplace access.

Watch the video >>

Rick Winter started in the access control industry back in the late 90’s working for an access control OEM before moving to HID Global in 2005. With over 20 years of experience in physical security, system design & deployment, and migration solution, Rick Winter enjoys being part of the HID organization and helping educate the channel partners as well as assisting the end users in selecting the best solutions and products to meet their needs, including mobile credentials.