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Donate to Local Charities with a Simple Tap

Since the introduction of HID Trusted Tag Services, we have continued to promote the unique capabilities of adding trust to Internet of Things applications. And, I’m excited to say that we’ve launched the Tap Around the World program that combines charitable giving with HID Trusted Tag Services so travelers can prove they reached their destination…while donating to local causes at the same time.

Thanks to a Harvard-educated software engineer-turned-adventurer named Nuseir Yassin (aka “Nas”), HID Trusted Tags have been placed at a location on Easter Island off the coast of Chile and Park Avenue in the heart of New York City.  Click here to watch the video that captures Nas’ travel adventures with HID Global technology.

Now, for others who want to prove they were there too, he or she can go tap their phone to the tag. For each tap, HID Global will donate $1 to a local charity in each location.

This is one of the many great examples of how HID Trusted Tag Services make it possible to definitively prove a person’s presence.  Are you in New York City or happen to be on Easter Island?  Join the movement by letting us know you were there.